Home Visits

Day Care (In your Home)

Overnights (In your home)

Introductory Meeting

We offer a FREE and mandatory meet up before accepting bookings. This gives both you and us the chance to meet, and for your furkids to grow familiar with us and allow us to enter their homes, give them meals and play with them. We have a comprehensive checklist for Pawrents entitled "Preparing for Petsitting" and we will share them with you when we meet.

Home Visits

We will drop by once or twice a day for to feed furkids, top up water, go on walks, play time, and send photo and video updates to Pawrents on their furkids' wellbeing.

Home visits are usually between 30 minutes and 1 hour, depending on the needs of your furkids. Each booking can be made for up to 1 furkid, and additional fees apply for households with more than 1 furkid.

Day Care

We will drop by during the day from 9am to 6pm, and these timings are flexible depending on the Pawrents' working hours. We will feed furkids, top up water, go for walks, play time and send photo and video updates to Pawrents.


This is the preferred choice if your furkid requires human companionship most of the time and can only be left alone for a few hours at a time. We will stayover in your home and be with your furkid most of the time. We will feed furkids, top up water, go for walks, play time, and send photo and video updates to Pawrents.